
Color Me Rad!

This Saturday I went to a Color Me Rad 5K with my Mom and My cousin. It was so much fun!! I definitely want to do another one soon and it made me realize that I love jogging/walking and I need to do it more!  When we do 3 miles, it usually takes us 60 minutes but we did it in 45 minutes! That is a improvement for us!
Here are some pictures: 

For the past couple weeks, I haven't done very good. I have not been eating right and haven't been exercising like I should be but I'm glad that I did this 5K because it made me realize that I like being active and that I have to stick to this! I have 72 pounds left before I get to my goal weight and I want to get to that before I have prom in April. I will have to work my butt off! But I know I can do this! I am back on track and you will be hearing from me more on here!

This week at my school is Homecoming week and I will be doing Powder Puff Football on Wednesday! I'm excited for that! I will put pictures. 

This is a difference of 78 pounds! 

I hope everybody has a good week! (:

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