
My weekend!

Hello everybody! I thought I would tell you about my weekend. On Friday night, I went to my friends birthday party and I had a piece of pizza, grapes, and chips and other things but I had one piece of pizza, grapes and some chips and we played hide and seek outside so I ran around a lot and then in the morning, I was on my way to the Taylor Swift. I ate a Lara bar. Has anybody had any of those? I thought it tasted like a no-bake cookie but without chocolate. It was pretty good and then for lunch, I had a Arby's sandwich which was about 330 calories and then we got ready for the concert and there was a mall inside of the where the concert arena was so they had a subway in there and I got what I always get. A flatbread with sweet onion chicken teriyaki sauce with banana peppers and spinach with some Sun chips and then later I had some Italian ice and the concert was amazing! I had so much fun and it was also my first concert so I guess you could say my first concert was a success! (I will put pictures!) and then that next morning, our hotel had breakfast and they had all the usual stuff. Biscuits, a waffle maker, cinnamon rolls but I toasted a English muffin and then I found greek yogurt an was so excited and it was peach. I was so disappointed, I don't like peach but they had Cheerios so I had about 1/2 of a cup of Cheerios and had a English muffin with a piece of sausage and then for lunch that day we went to a Texas Roadhouse and had a steak, sweet potato and applesauce and then I got home about 2 that day and a guy in our area has cancer and we was raising money for him and I walked about 3 miles for him and every lap some of my family members donated money for laps I walked for about an hour and I won a tray of cookies, haha but that was my weekend. I hope everybody had a great weekend and has a great week too!


Weigh in: week sixteen. Milestone, Milestone and wait, another milestone! (;

I weighed in this morning and I weigh 52.8 pounds lighter as of today, so that means I lost about six pounds this week! I am more then excited! I am also out of 300s and now I weigh 296.8 and now Myself and my parents are now 100 pounds lighter as a family! This was a great week. I worked my butt off and I hit many different milestones and on Saturday, I am going to a Taylor Swift concert. I am so excited. I can't even contain myself. This has been a great weigh in and week too.
I hope everybody else is having a great week as well. (:


For the past few days.

I have a weigh in Thursday and this one is important because I am close to 50 pounds and also it's another milestone as well but I have been working out like crazy! Haha, on Monday I walked for 3 miles and did about 30 minutes of Wii fit and Today, I did 30 minutes of Nike Kinect on the Xbox and 15 on Wii fit and I can show you what I have been eating for the past two days (on my LoseIt App in the bottom pictures) but tonight I had a dinner that was amazing! I didn't know what to eat and I was thinking grilled chicken or salmon but I didn't have either of those and I decided to make some shrimp and I wanted something spicy as well so I looked up a recipe and it was 1/2 tbps of honey, 1/2 tbps of Siracha sauce and some lime and put it on my shrimp and IT WAS AMAZING and I had a sweet potato with it. I will defiantly be making it again and you should try it as well! I hope everybody is having a good and healthy week and I am excited for my weigh in and I hope I'll be 50 pounds lower on Thursday.


Weigh in: week fifteen and upcoming concert and walk!

This week I had all my family over and had a birthday party and I gained like a pound. I'm mad at myself but I have next week and I can do it! This won't stop me but anyway, a lot of stuff is coming up soon. Next Saturday, I am going to a Taylor Swift Concert! I am so excited and then on Sunday I have a walk to do for a guy in my area that has cancer. I am going to try and do 4 miles. I'm excited for next weekend, lots of stuff going on. I hope everybody is having a good week!


Weigh in: week fourteen.

I lost 2.4 pounds today so that makes me 48 pounds lighter! So close to fifty!!!! Woo!! Now my family and I are 4 pounds away from 100 pounds as a family. Double Wooo!!!


Weigh in: week thirteen.

I weighed in this morning and lost 2.2 pounds. I am actually shocked because I haven't really worked out this week and I haven't felt that good either but I'm happy either way but anyway, so I am 45.6 pounds lighter today!

I hope everybody is having a good week! (:


90 days!

Today makes 90 days of being on my new lifestyle change and this was me then and me now.