
For the past few days.

I have a weigh in Thursday and this one is important because I am close to 50 pounds and also it's another milestone as well but I have been working out like crazy! Haha, on Monday I walked for 3 miles and did about 30 minutes of Wii fit and Today, I did 30 minutes of Nike Kinect on the Xbox and 15 on Wii fit and I can show you what I have been eating for the past two days (on my LoseIt App in the bottom pictures) but tonight I had a dinner that was amazing! I didn't know what to eat and I was thinking grilled chicken or salmon but I didn't have either of those and I decided to make some shrimp and I wanted something spicy as well so I looked up a recipe and it was 1/2 tbps of honey, 1/2 tbps of Siracha sauce and some lime and put it on my shrimp and IT WAS AMAZING and I had a sweet potato with it. I will defiantly be making it again and you should try it as well! I hope everybody is having a good and healthy week and I am excited for my weigh in and I hope I'll be 50 pounds lower on Thursday.

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