Today, I went to school and the moment happen.. When one of my friends asked me if I had lost weight. I dream about it every time I workout or say "no" to a non-healthy food or stop myself to overeating and I had just got back to the bathroom and walked into class and one of my friends said "You look so pretty today Allie, I just can't get over how pretty you look" I was getting ready to say thanks and she says "Have you lost weight?", a billion things crossed through my mind and I got tongue tied and I said "uhh.............uhh....... yeah....." But inside I was thinking "YES! I have lost and you noticed! Thank you, you beautiful creature!" and she says "Oh, well you just look really good" My family are the only ones who have noticed and I feel like they only notice because they know I have a different lifestyle but I wish I could have talked to her about it and told her all about it and all I had lost but my brain went all stupid but I'll tell you about what I had ate and my workouts in my pictures on LoseIt. I hope everybody has a good and healthy day! (:
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