
Weigh in last week and just my thoughts..

I forgot to post my weigh in. I lost 0.8. So which means I have 2.4 pounds til I hit 80 pounds. I'm so close and hopefully I will hit 80 pounds before school. August 12th is when I go back to school. I really got to kick it up a notch. I have 72 pounds left to hit 150 pounds. On my lose it account, it says that if I lose 2 pounds each week that I will hit my goal on April, 2014. I hope I do because I have prom in April or May. I'm glad I realized that I was unhealthy and overweight. I look at pictures at myself now and I can't believe I ever let myself get that way. I've got some way to go but I know now that since I have hit 77.6 pounds and now I have 72 pounds left to go that I can definitely do it!
I hope everybody has a good and a health filled week! (:

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