

I went to Open gym for volleyball on Thursday and when I first got there, one of the coaches told me to run two laps and then stretch. Which I did with no problem then we started doing all this volleyball stuff and I have never played volleyball and I didn't know how to do any of it. I felt so stupid because everybody else was so good. I'm still not 100% sure I will play or not. But we had to run laps and I am usually the last person and there was about two people behind me. After open gym, I still had energy so then I went and walked for 50 minutes at the walking track. 
Friday, I went to a concert for Hunter Hayes and The Henningsens. 
That is what I wore. 

That's me and my friend Sam. 

And I actually got to meet The Henningsens. It was so awesome. 

And there is Hunter Hayes. He was a great performer. 

I've got to lose 2.1 pounds each week for the next three weeks if I want to get to 80 pounds before school starts back. I would be working my butt off in the day but I have to babysit Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So all my working out will be in the evening. Which sucks. I want to work out as much as possible but I am drinking lots of water. I always lose good when I do. 

I hope everybody has a good week. 

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