
What's going on this week.

I went walking yesterday an I decided I would jog (which I don't jog/run in public because I feel like people are thinking "what is that fat person doing?") but I decided to do it and I did a mile under 16 minutes. That's probably the fastest I have ever done a mile. 
I want to lose 80 pounds before school starts back. I have four weeks to lose 6.4 pounds. It will be hard but I know I can do it. I have a weigh in tomorrow, I didn't weigh in last week. I'm not for sure what it will be, maybe like 2 pounds. 
Tomorrow, I'm going to open gym for Volleyball tomorrow. I hope that I will like Volleyball and I'll play. I think it would be good for me. More opportunities to exercise and I get play with my friends. I just afraid I'll go and not play good enough and I won't make the team or I'll look weak to everybody.  
I hope everybody has good week. 

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