
How I spent my super bowl.

Some of my family came up and me and my mom made some food!

                                                   We made a light honey bun cake.
                                                    (Put recipe down at the bottom)

Potato skins
Which was about 40 calories for either 2 or 3.
Depending on size.

That is what me and my mom made.
We also had Ribs, Turkey Legs, Mac and Cheese, and Chips & Salsa.
I had two potatoes, one rib, had a little bit of turkey meat and I ate a little bit of Salsa and a piece of cake.
We looked up the calories on the ribs and Turkey Legs online but it was so hard to find them and they added sauce and other stuff that was hard to count up but I guess you could say it was kinda like a cheat day but I didn't go overboard and I was proud we also made such yummy things that was so low calorie. (:
For the honey bun cake, it calls for Sour cream but we didn't have sour cream and used Greek Yogurt and it actually took away a lot of calories so our verison was actually lower.
I hope everybody is having a good day! (:

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