
684 calories?!?!

I didn't have school today so I played Just Dance for 40 minutes and it was sure a workout and my Lose It! App said that 40 minutes of dancing is 684 calroies burned. If that is true then I am very happy. I love to workout when it doesn't feel like a workout and it just feels like fun! On Sunday, I rode bikes and walked a mile with my mom and cousins and it said I burned 458 calories. I feel like you need ice cold water and a good playlist of music to workout and listening to music just makes the time fly. My favorite workout shorts (I got from Old Navy) doesn't have pockets so I have to put my phone in  my bra but last night I ordered a arm band to put your phone in. I hope it stays in and doesn't get annoying on my arm, I'm excited for it to come in! Well I hope everybody has a good day and is making right decisons when eating.

-Allie. (:

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