

This was my lunch for the week, I totally forgot to take a picture of Monday's and I didn't have school Friday.

Pizza Lean Pocket: 280 cal
Pringles: 10 for 100 cal
Applesauce: 90 cal
470 calories.
Grilled Chicken Jalapeno Cheddar Lean Pocket: 270 cal
Pretzels: 110
Apple: 95 cal
475 Calories.
Breakfast for lunch!
Jimmy D's French Toast Sandwich: 240 cal
Yogurt: 50 Cal
Oranges: 70 Cal
Banana: 107 Cal
467 Calories.
It was good to have breakfast for an option for lunch and it was alot of food!
I just realized after I put these up that they are very boring lunches, so I am going to make them exciting starting next week!

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