
BMI progress.

When I started this weight loss journey, I was in the super obese.

Now I have gone down two blocks. I am still in severely obese but it's progress!! 

Just thought I would share this. I hope everybody has a good week! (: 

Weigh in: week twenty-three.

I weighed in and I lost 2.4 pounds so that means I have lost 71 pounds! I am so excited and proud of myself. And if I lose 4 more, I will be at 75 which makes me at my halfway point. If I lose 75, that means I have 75 pounds left. 
Not for sure how much I weighed in the picture on the left but on the right is 71 pounds lost. 
I hope everybody has a good week. (: 


Recipes and my workout.

Hello everybody! 
I saw an idea on Pinterest and I loved it! 
You know lunchables? Those containers with the stuff to make pizzas well I saw on Pinterest that you take the sandwich thins
And can make pizzas! 

I used 1 tbps of pizza sauce on each and 7 turkey pepperonis on each and 1/4 cup on low fat mozzarella on each. It was 263 calories and it felt like I was eating two pizzas and it was very filling. You can also make barbecue chicken ones. They are good too!  You can pack them in your kids lunch and they can make their own. 

Tomorrow I have weigh-in. If I lose 1.4 pounds I will hit 70 pounds! I am still staying at my aunts house and she has a three year old daughter and my aunt went shopping. So I put my cousin in a stroller and walked around with her for 45 minutes and then went to the park and played with her. 

I used charity miles and I used She's the first charity and gave 50 minutes of education! 

On LoseIt, it said that walking 45 minutes while pushing a stroller that I burned 301 calories. 
Today has been a good day! 

Don't forget to follow my Pinterest and Twitter!  


7 minutes!

I got this really awesome app. 
It's called 7 minutes. It give you 30 seconds exercises and 10 seconds between them to make up 7 minutes. It is a free app. 

 I hope you check it out! I really liked it! 

Don't forget to check out my Pinterest and my Twitter. 


Weigh in: week twenty-two.

I am at my aunt's house so I weighed on her scale and I weighed in three times, the second time it was a pound above the first time I weighed and then the third time it was under the first one so I just went with the first time I weighed since it was in the middle of the other two but anyway, that made me 3.8 pounds lighter  and means I have lost a total of 68.6. So close to 70! 
I hope everybody has a good and healthy day!!! (: 


Chocolate PB-Banana Waffle Sandwich.

When you read that don't you just think "That sounds so good but can I have that?" 
Yes, yes you can! 
Chocolate PB-Banana Waffle Sandwich    
2 frozen Chocolate Chip Waffles: (100 cals
Banana (1/2): 53 cals 
I used PB2. You can use normal PB though 
PB2: (2 tbps): 45 cals 

It was so good and so filling! 

Serving size: One waffle sandwich: 298 
calories and 9.6g Protein. 


Update: Where am I at?

Hello everybody! 
Guess where I am? Connecticut. I am spending three weeks with my aunt. She is on a diet as well so I am not tempted to eat bad while I am up here. I am excited to be here!
Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest & Twitter! 


On the road essentials.

Hey everybody! 
I am on the road on the way to my family reunion for the weekend and on Sunday, I am leaving for three weeks and staying with my aunt. It is exciting! 
I packed some snacks on the way up because I didn't want to have to stop every time I was hungry and I can stay out of making bad choices. 

I love these things! I am not a big fan of 
soda but if I had to choose a soda, it
would be orange soda and it tastes just 
like it (without the fizz) and only 10 calroies

It tastes like a PB&J and for only 110 
calroies. Nobody loses there. 

It's good to have something with protein 
and these deliever with 10g. They fill me
up and are yummy! 

Cheerios are my goto. I could eat those 
like potato chips. 

It's good to bring fruit that can stand the 
heat of a car and won't bruise easily like
apples and oranges. Protein water mix 
delievers protein and is yummy. Special K
has all kinds of different flavors. 

I always bring crackers with me. PB is
good for you and honey is good for you 
and PB crackers always fill me up. 
Tips for packing snacks: 
1. Protein:
If you get snacks with Protein, it will fill you
up and requires less snacks to eat. 
2. Flavor up water. 
I drink water all the time but I know that 
some people have to have some flavor. So
bring drink mixes that aren't many calroies 
and some with protein are good too. 
3. Non-Messy. 
You don't want to bring things that make 
a mess. Easy packaging and things with 
less crumbs the better! 
4. Make things. 
Instead of buying things, you can make 
all of those things. Make your own granola
bars, make Kale Chips (we made our own 
but forgot them), make your own PB 
5. Side Items. 
You can even stop by a fast food and get 
a chicken wrap or something that isn't 
really high in calories and instead of buy fries, 
you can have a apple or any think else. 

I hope this helped and If you are taking a
vacation/road trip soon, I hope you are safe
and can make healthy choices and stick to 
your healthy lifestyle. (: 


I guess I'll tell the good news..

Like three posts ago, I put P.S. at a bottom. I really didn't want to put it on here until I was 100 percent it was going to happen. 
Charity miles (the app I always talk about and use everytime I go walking)  they sen a newsletter email. 
They wanted to put in their newsletter about people who use their app. So I sent them my story and I didn't think anything about it and then they sent me this email!!! 

They wanted to feature ME In their email. For thousands or even a million to see. I was completely shocked!  
I am in the middle of answering them and wanting to try to send them by this weekend. 
Everybody should sign up for Charity Miles emails so they can see it (If they feature it) and get the app Charity Miles as well! I love the app. 
I hope everybody will check it out and have a good day. (: 

Weigh in: week twenty-one.

I weighed in this morning and lost 4.4 pounds! Which makes me 64.8 pounds lighter. It's been awhile since I have got a number like that! 
I hope everybody has a good day! 


My day. (June 12th)

Hello everybody! 

Today, I woke up at 7:30 and had to babysit from 8 to 2. For breakfast I had a greek corner. If you have never had a greek corner, you are missing out! 
They are delicious but when they left at 2. I had the one of calzones that I posted the other day, I had the Chicken Parmesan one. I would have worked out today but yesterday, I got a extremely bad sunburn on my back and it just took all my energy and just drained me. I hope it gets better. I am getting ready to leave for three weeks to stay with my aunt and my friends want to hang out so I went and got some wings and pizza and wings  aren't that bad and they get me full. I use to would have ate like 5 wings and up to 4 or 5 pieces of pizza. Today, I ate one piece of pizza and two wings and was completely full to the max! It amazes how I use to eat all of that and still be hungry after and now, I actually listen to my stomach and get full so easily. 
I hope everybody has a good and health-field rest of the week. Don't forgot to go follow my Pinterest and Twitter page for my blog.  


My day. (June 11th)

Hello everybody! I thought I would tell you about my day. I woke up and ate breakfast, I don't know what to call it but the ingredients are one whole wheat tortilla, 1 Tbps of peanut butter and one banana and you spread the PB on the tortilla and put the banana on it and wrap it up, kinda like a burrito. It is yummy and very filling. I went to the pool today with some of my friends. 

The pool doesn't offer any low calorie options so I brought some snacks. I ate a Nature Valley Protein bar and 1 cup of Cheerios as my lunch. I stayed at the pool from 12 to 6. I laid in the sun and swam (which is a great workout without even realizing it.) I went home and we had this for dinner and it was really good! 

We just used lean ground beef and we had sweet potato tater tots as our side item. 
I will definitely be making this again. 
Here was my day: 

P.S. I have some VERY exciting news but I don't want to put it on here until it's official. I just couldn't wait to just say something without really telling it. Haha, you will know soon! I promise. 


My day! (June 10th)

Hello everybody! 
This is my first Monday of Summer vacation and I wanted to get back to exercising and I wanted to put everything I done today! 
I woke up at 7:30 so that I could make my mom and myself a smoothie before my mom left for work. The smoothie had strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, apple juice, greek yogurt, vanilla yogurt, flax seed, spinach and honey. It was yummy and 213 calories. It filled me up and that was my breakfast! 
After that I exercised on the Xbox. On Nike Trainer, it absolutely kicks my butt! I worked out for 15 minutes and burned 141 calories  

I decided to make a Pinterest and Twitter for my blog! Go follow them! 

And I tried something new today. 

It was made out of black beans and soybeans and it was only 150 calories. I was a little apprehensive about it but it was really meaty and yummy! I ate it with a sandwich thin (100 cal) Weight Watchers Jalapeño Cheese Wedge (30 cal) and 1 tbps of ketchup. I am a ketchup fanatic, I eat ketchup on everything and for a snack I ate a Fiber One PB&J Granola Bar. 
After that I worked out for 15 minutes (I wanted to get 30 minutes for the whole day) and I did Jackknives and walked on Wii Fit. 
For Dinner I ate Pork Chops and Corn on the cob which was about 360 calories. 

Well that was my Monday. I hope you follow me on Twitter and on Pinterest and I also hope you have a good week. 


Choices of a Logo.

Choice #1:  
Hearts n' Junk. 

Choice #2: 
Fly with me! 

Choice #3:

I really like Choice #2. 
I can't decide. 
Help me! 

Do you think I should make a Logo?

I want to make like a logo? I wanted something like if I make a Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest this could be the picture. I think it seems very young and not professional but I think it is also cute! 

I don't know, if I had somebody weigh in their thoughts in how they like it or they think I should make another or if I should even make a Twitter, etc.. 

I think I might make a couple and people can choose from them. 



Planning/making food!

Hello everybody! This week I will be home all week and I want to get back to exercising more and I would like to put what I will be eating this week and log everything and see what how I do because last week I gain like 0.7 ounces. This week I want to lose before I go off to my family reunion on Friday, but anyway I also thought I would show you how to plan and some things I have done. 

You make any pizza crust you want, whole wheat, sourdough, or any kind. This was just a simple normal recipe but It turned out huge and we made about five pizzas with it and we had some left and I decided to make calzones for this week to have for your lunch or dinner. 
Chicken Salsa. 
My first recipe had
2 tbps of Salsa: 10 calories 
1 oz of chicken: 30 calories 
1/4 cup cheddar cheese: 110 calories 
Cooked it on 425 degrees and I didn't look at a time. I just waited till it was brown. 
2 tbps of pizza sauce: 20 calories 
5 turkey pepperoni's: 20 calories 
1/4 mozzarella cheese: 80 calories 
Chicken Parmesan.  
2 tbps of pizza sauce: 20 calories 
1/2 of a breaded chicken party: 100 calories 
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese: 80 
BBQ Calzone.
1 or 2 oz chicken:30 to 60 calories
2 tbps BBQ sauce (of your choice, try to keep between 30-50 cals for 2tbps) 30 calories 
1/4 cup cheddar cheese: 110 calories
All are low calorie options and all yummy! The crust was around 80-100. Depending on size. 
You press a fork on the sides to keep everything in. 
And if you don't plan on eating them in about a week. 

 Wrap it up, put what kind of calzone it is and freeze! 
You can also add any other items or any possibilities to the calzones. I usually add banana peppers to anything but I was out. Sad me :( 
You could also do options like putting what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc or even what kind if exercises you want to do at what time. That is to keep organized and not lose track, you can do that on your phone or computer. Also you can look at all the food you have and plan what you want to eat for meals. I don't like to plan everything exactly out because I like to be a free and get to have choices but it is still good to kinda have an idea what to eat so you just don't go snacking around and not counting your calories. 
I will be available all this week and if you ever want to ask some questions; you can contact me on my email: alliehicks80@gmail.com 
I will always be here for suggestions or  questions! 
I hope you liked this post and I hope you have a good week. 


Hello starshine the earth says hello!

So I thought I would I talk about my day, I went walking with my mother and I felt all healthy and skinny in my outfit. I love my shoes too! I got them when I hit 50 pounds. The pants I got are from target, they are a xl and I know 60 pounds ago I wouldn't have been able to fit in them. I use to not feel comfortable in any pants but jeans because I thought I butt would look unattractive in them but now it doesn't bother me and I feel more comfortable in pants/shorts like these. 

 I got a new app today which is called Runkeeper and I used it for the first time this afternoon. 
I really liked it. I could walk and it talked to me while I was walking and told me how fast I was going and how many miles I walked and I did charity miles as I always do because it gives to charities of your choice. This time I used the first charity I saw which was called "She's the first" which I had never heard of before and when I was done with my workout 

It gave 37 minutes for education. I was really excited about that! 
I have a weigh in Thursday (as always) and I am just hoping I don't gain any because of in my last post I didn't do so well so I just hope that I don't gain and also Thursday is my last day of school till summer break! I am so excited! I can focus on my food and exercise more then when I am in school. I babysit in the summer but I don't start that until after July. 
I hope everybody has a good week! 


Week June 28-July 2

Tuesday from Sunday was not good days for me. I ate over my calorie budget which I never do.

and I did go swimming on Saturday but that was my only form of exercise I did. I felt bad about those days but I just told myself that Monday was a new day! I can start all over and just work hard this week! 

This week will be my last week of school until summer break! I am so excited and I also forgot to mention that Friday was 150 days of me being on this new lifestyle change. 
Left was me 61 pounds heavier then the picture of me on the right and on Saturday, my parents friends that I don't really know that well but they have been over to our house a couple times and we went over to their house on Saturday and  the woman who is my mom's friend said "How much weight have you lost, Allie?" I just thought that my mom told her about us all being on a diet and was just being nice and asking but I told her sixty-one pounds. She was shocked and said "wow, that is great! What have you been doing?" I just told her that I was watching my calories and some exercise and later that night my mom told me that night that  my moms friend had no idea we was dieting and could really tell on me. I was really happy and a couple weeks ago one of my friends said "You look really skinny today" and we was in the middle of class so I just said "Thank you!" I'm really happy that some people can tell but I can't wait till I can start buying some new clothes. 
I hope you guys have a good week. I just wish I can get through this last week of school and can recover from all my bad eating and I have realized that I don't post on here as much as I should. This summer, I hope to post everyday. Lets see if that works out, haha. 
Have a happy and healthy day! (;