
My day. (June 11th)

Hello everybody! I thought I would tell you about my day. I woke up and ate breakfast, I don't know what to call it but the ingredients are one whole wheat tortilla, 1 Tbps of peanut butter and one banana and you spread the PB on the tortilla and put the banana on it and wrap it up, kinda like a burrito. It is yummy and very filling. I went to the pool today with some of my friends. 

The pool doesn't offer any low calorie options so I brought some snacks. I ate a Nature Valley Protein bar and 1 cup of Cheerios as my lunch. I stayed at the pool from 12 to 6. I laid in the sun and swam (which is a great workout without even realizing it.) I went home and we had this for dinner and it was really good! 

We just used lean ground beef and we had sweet potato tater tots as our side item. 
I will definitely be making this again. 
Here was my day: 

P.S. I have some VERY exciting news but I don't want to put it on here until it's official. I just couldn't wait to just say something without really telling it. Haha, you will know soon! I promise. 

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