
On the road essentials.

Hey everybody! 
I am on the road on the way to my family reunion for the weekend and on Sunday, I am leaving for three weeks and staying with my aunt. It is exciting! 
I packed some snacks on the way up because I didn't want to have to stop every time I was hungry and I can stay out of making bad choices. 

I love these things! I am not a big fan of 
soda but if I had to choose a soda, it
would be orange soda and it tastes just 
like it (without the fizz) and only 10 calroies

It tastes like a PB&J and for only 110 
calroies. Nobody loses there. 

It's good to have something with protein 
and these deliever with 10g. They fill me
up and are yummy! 

Cheerios are my goto. I could eat those 
like potato chips. 

It's good to bring fruit that can stand the 
heat of a car and won't bruise easily like
apples and oranges. Protein water mix 
delievers protein and is yummy. Special K
has all kinds of different flavors. 

I always bring crackers with me. PB is
good for you and honey is good for you 
and PB crackers always fill me up. 
Tips for packing snacks: 
1. Protein:
If you get snacks with Protein, it will fill you
up and requires less snacks to eat. 
2. Flavor up water. 
I drink water all the time but I know that 
some people have to have some flavor. So
bring drink mixes that aren't many calroies 
and some with protein are good too. 
3. Non-Messy. 
You don't want to bring things that make 
a mess. Easy packaging and things with 
less crumbs the better! 
4. Make things. 
Instead of buying things, you can make 
all of those things. Make your own granola
bars, make Kale Chips (we made our own 
but forgot them), make your own PB 
5. Side Items. 
You can even stop by a fast food and get 
a chicken wrap or something that isn't 
really high in calories and instead of buy fries, 
you can have a apple or any think else. 

I hope this helped and If you are taking a
vacation/road trip soon, I hope you are safe
and can make healthy choices and stick to 
your healthy lifestyle. (: 

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